So, here are the things you need to install:
1. Google Chrome, you can install it from here&, it takes about 1 minute to finish the installation *depends on your connection speed*
2. Once you've installed Chrome, install this APK Downloader v1.2.1
After all those things installed, you need to follow these steps :
1. Disable SSL error warnings!
& & Right click your Chrome shortcut, click properties, choose shortcut and add this line to the Target box :
& &&
& & --ignore-certificate-errors --allow-running-insecure-content
& & And it will looks like this
& & C: ..... \chrome.exe --ignore-certificate-errors -- & allow-running-insecure-content
& & Once it's done, close and open your Chrome again. Then, click the setting icon on your right upper of
& & your Chrome, choose extention, look for your APK Downloader and click option. And you will found
& & page similar like this
& &Enter your email and password, now follow the steps to find your android device id
2. How to find your device id
& & There are 2 ways to find it, easy way by installing&device id&from market
& & The difficult way by dialing *#*#8255#*#* and find lines begin with JID and Device ID, you will find
& & device id like this : android-123456abcdef , so&123456abcdef& is your device id and you can enter it into
& & the login page at previous step. Once you've logged in, you can set the option on your own desire.
3. Start downloading
& & Find a game/app you want to download, then at the install page, you will find green android icon on left
& & upper of your browser, just click it and voila, you're downloading it now :)
credits @ codekiem