Saturday, 3 November 2012

How to download APK from Google Play directly from your PC

This tutorial will teach you how to download games/apps directly from your PC and then you can install it on your device, so no internet connection needed on your device. This tutorial will be very useful for those who livin in a region without decent wireless connection.
So, here are the things you need to install:
1. Google Chrome, you can install it from here&, it takes about 1 minute to finish the installation *depends on your connection speed*
2. Once you've installed Chrome, install this APK Downloader v1.2.1

After all those things installed, you need to follow these steps :

1. Disable SSL error warnings!

& & Right click your Chrome shortcut, click properties, choose shortcut and add this line to the Target box :
& &&
& & --ignore-certificate-errors --allow-running-insecure-content

& & And it will looks like this

& & C: ..... \chrome.exe --ignore-certificate-errors -- & allow-running-insecure-content

& & Once it's done, close and open your Chrome again. Then, click the setting icon on your right upper of
& & your Chrome, choose extention, look for your APK Downloader and click option. And you will found
& & page similar like this

& &Enter your email and password, now follow the steps to find your android device id

2. How to find your device id

& & There are 2 ways to find it, easy way by installing&device id&from market
& & The difficult way by dialing *#*#8255#*#* and find lines begin with JID and Device ID, you will find
& & device id like this : android-123456abcdef , so&123456abcdef& is your device id and you can enter it into
& & the login page at previous step. Once you've logged in, you can set the option on your own desire.

3. Start downloading

& & Find a game/app you want to download, then at the install page, you will find green android icon on left
& & upper of your browser, just click it and voila, you're downloading it now :)


credits @ codekiem